Baby On Board: 3 Dental Concerns During Pregnancy
If you're pregnant, you probably have a lot on your mind. While you're busy preparing for baby, your dental health might slip your mind. That may put you at risk for a variety of dental problems. In fact, during pregnancy, your mouth is susceptible to several dental issues. Before you put dental hygiene on the back burner during your pregnancy, here are three dental concerns you should be aware of.
Tooth Decay
While you're pregnant, you're at an increased risk for tooth decay. There are actually a couple of reasons for this increased risk. First, during pregnancy, you need to feed your cravings, which might include more carbohydrates or sugar. Second, if you're suffering from morning sickness, you're vomiting more often than you usually do. Those two factors work together to create the perfect environment for tooth decay. Sugary foods and carbohydrates cause cavities, while the stomach acid that comes up when you vomit erodes the enamel on your teeth.
Gum Disease
During pregnancy, your chances of developing gum disease increase dramatically. One of the reasons is because bacteria gets caught between your teeth and below the gums. The other reason is because many women postpone dental care during pregnancy. You can reduce the risk of gum disease during pregnancy by brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day and by seeing your dentist for routine care during your pregnancy. If you don't have a dentist that you see regularly, visit for more information.
It's also important that you know the warning signs of gum disease:
- Red, swollen gums
- Bleeding gums
- Persistent bad breath
- Pus along the gum lines
If you notice any of the symptoms described above, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. Without proper treatment, gum disease can lead to premature tooth loss and serious health problems.
Pyogenic Granulomas
If you suffer from gum disease during pregnancy, you may also experience a condition known as pyogenic granulomas. These small tumors are swollen growths that develop on your gums. In most cases, these growths will not harm you and should disappear after you give birth. However, if they become painful or interfere with your ability to speak or chew, you should talk to your dentist about them.
Now that you're pregnant, don't forget about your teeth. Talk to your dentist about ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy. If you notice any of the problems described above, be sure to consult with your dentist as soon as possible.