Types Of Mouth Sores You May Develop
If you ever develop a sore in your mouth, or a spot that seems irregular or unusual, you might want to visit a dentist to have him or her examine it. There are certain types of sores that are completely harmless and common, but there are others that can indicate a serious problem. If you are not sure whether your sore is harmless or serious, you should visit a dentist to find out.
What causes mouth sores?
There are so many different types of reasons people develop mouth sores, and there are multiple different types of mouth sores you can get. In some cases, people will develop them from biting their cheeks or from their dentures rubbing against their gums. You can also develop mouth sores from bacteria, infections, or diseases.
What are examples of harmless mouth sores?
If you have ever had a canker sore in your mouth, this is the prime example of a mouth sore that is completely harmless. These sores can develop in any part of your mouth and can be extremely painful. They typically do not require any type of treatment and will go away on their own within a week or two. You can gargle with warm salt water to help a canker sore go away faster.
What are examples of serious mouth sores?
If you have a mouth sore that is serious in nature, it might be either leukoplakia, erythroplakia, or lichen planus. These are three of the most common types of sores or patches people develop in their mouths that can be dangerous to live with.
Leukoplakia is something that is often a result of using tobacco products. While this typically starts off harmless, it can develop into cancer over time. It is often gray in color, and you may find it anywhere in your mouth.
Erythroplakia is typically red in color, and it is often found on the gums. It is also a common result of using tobacco products, and it can also be cancerous.
Lichen planus is something that is usually white in color and is often found on the gums or cheeks. While this isn't likely to turn into cancer, there is still a chance it might.
If you have any type of sore, patch, or spot inside your mouth, you should have a dentist examine it. While it most likely is not anything you should worry about, there is a chance it could be something harmful. Your dentist can provide you with the dental care you need.