4 Signs That You Need To Visit A General Dentist
Most people know that it's crucial to visit a dentist for checkups and oral health care when dental problems arise. Unfortunately, some tend to ignore dental issues despite knowing that doing so is wrong. Note that seeking oral health care a soon as possible can prevent dental problems from worsening. For that reason, it is essential to visit a dentist when you notice any of the following signs.
1. Loose Teeth
A loose tooth is an obvious indicator that it's time to visit a general dentist. Tartar is one of the things that can cause this problem after creating a gap between the teeth and gum. Should the gap get infected, the neighboring supportive tissue starts breaking down, resulting in loose teeth.
Sports injuries can also result in this problem, explaining why you should always wear protective equipment when engaging in contact sports such as hockey or basketball. Other causes of loose teeth include localized infections like tooth decay and gum disease.
2. Toothaches
A toothache is among the most painful experiences in life. Even so, this is the body's way of saying that there's something wrong with your dental health.
Though taking painkillers can make the pain subside, they don't address the source of the problem. That's why it is prudent to consult with a general dentist whenever you are experiencing dental pain. With that said, some common causes of toothaches include tooth fractures, dental caries, and infected gums.
3. Bleeding Gums
If your spit has bloodstains each time you floss or brush your teeth, you most likely have bleeding gums. Gum disease and gingivitis are some of the conditions that cause bleeding gums. Excessive bleeding signals a serious issue that needs to be addressed by a reliable general dentist.
During the dental visit, the dentist will check your gums and identify the underlying problem. Remember that the earlier an issue is identified, the sooner you will start treatment to improve dental health.
4. Dental Abscess
A dental abscess refers to the accumulation of pus in the gums or teeth. This usually results from a bacterial infection that can make it difficult to take cold or hot foods and drinks. Dental traumas can also lead to an abscessed tooth. Root canal surgery is one of the methods that can help treat dental abscesses.
It is not that hard to know when something is wrong with your dental health. Loose teeth and toothaches are some of the most obvious signs. The same applies to bleeding gums and dental abscesses. Reach out to a general dentist if you have any of these issues.