Adult Tooth Erosion: What Is It And How Do You Protect Your Teeth From It?

If you're an adult concerned about your dental care, you may do all you can to keep your mouth clean and healthy. But one of the things you might not focus on is keeping your tooth enamel safe from erosion. Tooth erosion, also called dental erosion, occurs when the hard layer of enamel wears down from food acids and other causes. The problem leaves the tissues beneath your enamel vulnerable to bacteria and other dental hazards. Read More 

Hidden, Untreated Gum Disease: Is It The Cause Of Your Red, Tender Gums?

If your gums look red and swollen, you may wonder what's wrong with them and if you can do anything to make them look better. You most likely have a mild form of gum disease, or gingivitis. Although it doesn't happen with everyone, some people can experience gingivitis and not even know it. In many cases, untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and other life-changing problems. Read More 

5 Pleasant Side Effects You May Experience When Using Invisalign

If you are considering invisalign trays, you may be worried that they are too restrictive. However, you will be happy to know that you can continue to eat and drink all of the things you currently eat and drink, but you may become more aware of your current habits. This can potentially lead to some positive side effects.  Weight Reduction  When you begin wearing invisalign trays, you will be instructed on how to use them. Read More 

Canker Sores: What Are They And How Can You Keep Them At Bay?

If you suffer from painful sores in your mouth, you may wonder what they are and if they're contagious. Canker sores, or aphthous ulcers, are mouth sores that show up almost anywhere inside the mouth, including beneath your tongue and on your inner cheeks and lips. Some people even develop aphthous ulcers in the back of the throat. The sores may be painful enough to keep you from eating and speaking. Here are things to know about canker sores, how they develop and what you may do to stop or reduce their occurrences. Read More 

What You Need To Know About Odontoma

An odontoma is a type of benign tumor that normally grows within the jaw. Doctors don't really understand why these growths occur, and although these tumors may not cause serious harm, the condition may mean that you have to undergo a simple form of surgery to avoid damage to your permanent teeth. Learn more about who is at risk of an odontoma, and find out how a dentist may need to treat this condition. Read More